When I was in China for work, Bibi's big GuGu bought a puppy, I heard that it's expensive, around 1 to 2 thousands.
Today when I brought Bibi back to her Popo's house, her GuGu brought the puppy there too, her name is Curly. My family and I have always love dogs, many years ago we used to have 2 cute dogs. Pets are cute, but you need to spend a lot of love and care on them.
As soon as Bibi saw Curly came, she climbed up to the sofa, tapping her chest "Aiyo, Bibi scares!" But when she saw me holding and playing with Curly, she wants to take photo with the puppy! My precious and the puppy, both are so cute and lovely.
Today I took a few photos of Bibi and her 5 years old cousin. A week from now Bibi is 2 years 5 months, but she seems to be as big as her cousin eh, such a big size girl, should I be worried?

那天从其中一个 Parenting forum 的newsletter 收到“小孩身高预测”计算机。以父母亲的身高,小孩现在的年龄和性别估计18岁时的高度。结果暄可能在18岁时有五尺九寸,多可怕呀!哈哈,希望不会如此!
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