Tuesday, December 2, 2008

体罚 / Corporal punishment





Bibi has signs of bad temper recently. At nights when she is high from playing, she'll shout. If I ask her not to shout, she might be quiet for 30 seconds, before making noise again. I am impatient, on 3rd warning, I will tell her "If you shout again, I will beat you!"

Sometimes she will unwillingly moves to a corner and sit there with black face.

Sometimes she raises her hand and wanted to beat me! And that really set me "on". I would beat hard on her hand, let her know how painful it is to be beaten. In the last few days, she likes to scream when unhappy/crying, with super high pitch tone. I gave her a few slaps.

I told my mother inlaw since long ago to not spoil Bibi. Kids need to be educate since little, else it's very hard to correct their bad characteristics after 3 years old. I hate rude kids. But, will corporal punishment prevent Bibi from turning into a spoiled kid?


Angeline said...

its so important to get it right when the child is still young... at this age, still 'controllable', but I don't use beating, I use reasoning... cos' beating is short-lived but reasoning goes a long way....

most importantly, how does everyone around her behaves, does everyone talk nicely to one another? or are there quarrels often? cos' children are best imitators!

晓丽 Siaw Lee said...

I feel bad too when have to beat her. I will first use reasoning but sometimes after long working hours and pressure, really hard to control the temper. Sigh.

She remembers everything now, she keeps mumbling to my mother inlaw that "Mama beats me", which happened more than 1 week ago!!