比比:跳舞(另加舞蹈动作) --> 华语
比比反应:PANAS! --> 马来语
比比反应:For me, for me! --> 英语
比比反应:公公说要坐着 --> 客家语
Since I stepped into the working world, seldom I have chance to write in Chinese. The nearest occasion, was me writing a letter to my mom far away in the USA, talking about some mother-daughter stuff. Of course, the letter was hand written. I still prefer the feel of holding the actual letter and read, it’s more sincere that way.
Because of the born of “For my lovely Renae”, I have a chance to practice my nearly rotten Chinese.
Far before Bibi (This is how I call my baby) was born, I had been telling Bibi’s Papa (I has been calling him this since Bibi stayed in my tummy), we must use Chinese to communicate with her. I have been seeing many families who have not been using Chinese with their children, which only result in lack of interest in mother tongue, or speaking weird English-Chinese mixture of grammatically wrong Chinese. I encourage mother-tongue education, it’s sad to see such stories.
Now in communication with Bibi, parents inlaw and myself use Mandarin, Bibi’s Papa uses Hakka, Bibi’s aunt Alicia uses English (as her two kids speak English), maid uses Malay.
Starting from few weeks ago, Bibi had been giving me unlimited surprises, please see examples below:
Vanue: Bedroom
Incident: Bibi woke up for about 30 minutes and been borded playing by herself, she pulled Mama’s hand (Mama was still being lazy in bed)
Bibi: ma ma, qi lai, chu qu (Mama, wake up, go out)
Mama: chu qu zhuo shen me? (Go out for what?)
Bibi: tiao wu (dancing ~ plus some dancing acts) --> Entirely in Mandarin
Vanue: Bathroom
Incident: Mama was washing her hair with water which was a bit too hot
Bibi’s reaction: PANAS! --> Malay
Vanue: Mama’s house
Incident: Mama was holding Bibi’s little toy bear
Bibi’s reaction: For me, for me! --> English
Vanue: Grandma’s house
Incident: Was bringing Bibi out for shopping, asked her to put on her shoes
Bibi’s reaction: gong-gong gong yao cho den --> Hakka
Bibi, you are the best!