那我在这儿干嘛?不就是浏览了朋友的部落格,和朋友的朋友的部落格。。。嘿!蛮有趣呀,那我也来一个吧! 这可是热烘烘出炉的耶(真相是,今天下午趁老板没在,偷偷地登记咯,嘿嘿嘿)。
Except during youth time, I do not have habit of writing diary, let alone posting my stories online.
So, what am I doing here? It all started with visiting friend’s blogs… Hey! It’s quite fun, so let me start one too! This is really “hot from the stove” (the truth is, boss is not around this afternoon, so I secretly registered myself, hehehe).
For my very first blog, been thinking for a long time, what name should I use?
Been wondering on my seat for 10 minutes, I decided to use my current-most-important-person in my life to name my new blog.
My little Renae, Mama loves you!
wow, great blog name! :p
hope to see more post & pix here...
Scratching my head about what to put for name, you know how long I haven't been writing Chinese, LOL.
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