今天是 Mid Valley 恐龙展的第一天。上个星期听新闻报告知道了,就打算带比比去看。入门票是成人RM12,五至十五岁儿童RM8,五岁以下免费。
Today is the first day of Mid Valley Mega Mall's Dinosaurs Exhibition. Last week when we heard about this from the Radio, we decided to bring Bibi there. Admission is RM12 for adults, RM8 for 5 ~ 15 years old, free for 5 and below.
Our active little cutie who is so noisy at home, was afraid of the dinosaurs figures, haha! Her Baba told her not to scare and that she can touch the dinosaurs, she pulled her Baba's hand away from the dinosaurs and said "Don't, it will bite you!" Haha, kids are cute!